Suzanna McGee - Tennis Fitness Trainer and Writer
Experienced athletic fitness trainer and expert and competitive tennis
player with an extensive knowledge in training, nutrition and injury
prevention. Located in Venice Beach, California, Miss Natural Olympia and kettlebell practitioner will help you to achieve your athletic goals and excellence.
Suzanna McGee - Tennis Fitness Trainer Focusing on functional training, overall strength, flexibility and balance.
"The Ageless Athlete is The One who always strives for improvement and always keep dreaming and believing that impossible is possible, and that the age doesn't set the limits for growth and performance - only your determination, dedication and discipline."
Let Suzanna help you to achieve your fitness goals.
Come to train in the park, on the tennis court or on the beach. You decide what you like the best. Contact your new fitness trainer :-) Learn how to master your body and mind so you can perform without injuries for the rest of your life. Visit and read
Suzanna McGee - Tennis Fitness Writer
"Tennis Fitness for the Love of it: a Mindful Approach to Fitness for Injury-free Tennis" was published in September 2010 and is available on for $14.95, or autographed on The 178 pages with 87 photographs are divided into 64 easy to read chapters that cover all aspects of injury prevention, stretching, strengthening and performance improvement. The book is small enough to carry in a tennis bag for daily study and the increase of body consciousness.
“You need to develop an awareness of your body. This awareness will enable you to improve. However, as with any form of mastery, mind and body awareness requires regular practice.”
A Kindle version for your Kindle device is available for $8.99 and immediate download on Amazon Kindle.
An iPad/iPhone EPUB version is available for $8.99 and immediate download in iTunes or Smashwords.
An interlinked PDF version with color photograps is available for $8.99 and immediate download on TennisFitnessLove's store.
"Two thumbs up!" Excellent job of presenting essential injury prevention material for tennis players of all levels. The stretches and exercises would in fact benefit ANYONE who is active. --Dr. Carmine Gangemi, DC, CSCS;
Read a few sample articles about training and injury prevention for tennis, and for life:
Plank with Hip Twists – Best Exercise to Improve Your Core Strength
Having a strong core is one of the most important things in any skilled
athletic movement, and tennis especially. Strong supporting
muscles around the spine will decrease the risk of low back pain or
injury. And besides that, if you add a good and healthy diet
into your training regimen, your strong abs will look terrific as well. Keep reading...
Treatment of Sciatica or Piriformis Syndrome with Myo-fascial Release Do you suffer from “sciatica”? Or, so you think it is sciatica – pain in the back of your leg, calf and the sole of your foot. The sensations could be numbness, tingling or burning, and it can just come and go. You could be actually having a tight and overused piriformis muscle – a very common thing in a tennis player. Keep reading...

Windmill - best Exercise for your Balance, Butt and Strong Core Having a strong core is extremely important in your tennis fitness – it
gives stability to your hips and shoulders, which are essential for your
stroke production. It allows a smooth transfer of power from
your core to your limbs with perfect balance, strength, and flexibility. Keep reading...

Develop Strong and Powerful Legs with Jumps Squats Strong and powerful legs are not just beautiful - on men or women - but
also extremely useful in tennis. When you bend your knees to achieve a
low base, you will have a better balance and better transfer of the
forces from the ground upward - through the kinetic chain - to your arm
and racket and to the ball. More powerful shots will result. The jump squats are an easy way to improve your tennis fitness. Keep reading...

Dogs and Cats for Painful Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Knees or Hips Our today’s life style is “everything forward” – we sit
at the desk, shoulders, arms and head moved forward, rounded upper and
lower back. We drive with shoulders, head, and arms forward, rounded
back. We watch TV, slouching in the couch, head, shoulders forward. And we do very few activities "backward". That's why we develop problems. Keep reading...
If you like the sample tennis fitness articles, visit the full library at
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Do you love to play racquetball or squash? Visit for training and injury prevention tips.
A Kindle book "Racquetball and Squash: Conditioning and Injury Prevention" is available on Amazon Kindle for $9.99, or for your iPad/iPhone and Nook, on Smashwords.